05 February, 2015

"Everything Is New" - Part 2

They have passed two weeks since Abby and Clarke moved in to their new house. Both of them can say that they start learning their new neighborhood and the people that live next to them. Clarke had met some girls in her age but with only one she could be friends, Raven. The other girls had talked to her only once and from then they ignored her all the time. Raven told her that these girls are very popular at the college. Their names are Lexa, Indra and Anya.

Raven lives two blocks away from Clarke and they met accidentally in the park, where Raven was taking her dog for a walk. She was older than Clarke and she had finished her college last year, now she is working in her dad’s shop as car mechanic. Clarke and Raven had spent much time together, more for showing Clarke the town.

Tomorrow Clarke starts lessons in her new college. She was a little scared about this hall new start but she had no other choice. New start means new college and she couldn’t change that fact.

Her mother drives her to the parking lot, where she had left her to go to her new job too. Clarke didn’t know anyone. And as she was walking toward the school door everyone was staring at her and whispering things to their friends. She didn’t mind at all. She had her headphones on and listening music all the way to the building. She only took them off when she heard the first ring.

She had her papers with some books and notebook in her bag. First hour was History. She hated History.

As she was searching for her class, Clarke saw a boy with dark skin and black hairs in the end of the hallway, trying to open his locker. Then two other boys walked toward him.

“What happened boy?” one of them said, “Why you trying to open my locker?” he asked next.

“This is not your locker Finn. It-” the boy with the black hair said but the other one didn’t let him finish.

“It was your. Now it’s mine!” he said and pulled him away from the lockers. “Now, go and find somewhere else to put your silly books and your computer!” he yelled and pushed him toward Clarke’s way.

The boy didn’t said or does anything else. Just put his bag in his back, low his head and start walking towards Clarke.

“Are you ok?” Clarke stopped the boy as he was passing her.

“Yes.” he said and stopped.

“I am Clarke and I am new here.” she said.

“Nice to meet you Clarke. Can I go now?” he asked her.

“You could if you don’t want to help me…” she said and stopped when she saw the boys in the end of the hallway watching at them. “I can’t find my class” she continued and took out her papers to saw them to that boy what she didn’t even know his name. “Can you help me?” Clarke said and points the paper line with the number of her first class.

“I guess I can help you” the boy said and finally raised his head to see Clarke. He took the paper from Clarke’s hands and looked at them for a second. When he turned to Clarke, he freezes.

He looked at her eyes, blue like the sea, and then went to her hairs, yellow like the sun. He shacked his head for a moment to return to the reality.

“What do you think? Can you help me?” Clarke asked him again.

“Yes, your class is next to mine.” he said and gave back the papers. “Follow me” he said and starts walking the hallway back from where she came.

“Hey, new girl” she heard the boys behind her yelling at her. “Next time you need help come to me.” he continued. “Ask for Big Finn. Everyone knows me!” he finished. Clarke didn’t even bothered to look back to them, instead she start running behind that boy who willing to help her.

After a minute the boy stopped.

“Here is your class,” said and point a brown door, “and this is mine.” turned the opposite way.

“Thank you!” Clarke smiled.

“If you want, wait me here after the ring to show you the college.” the boy said and walked toward his door.

“I will. Thank you,” she said and the boy opened his door. “Hey, wait! What is your name?” she asked but the boy had long gone. “I guess I will find out next hour” she said to the walls and walked in her class too.    

History lessons. Clarke hated History. Everything looked boring in her class. The teacher was boring, her classmates were boring even the book was boring for her. Clarke almost fell asleep after 30 minutes of listening to her boring teacher, but she tried not to, it won’t be good for her to sleep in her first class.

And then she remembered that boy. She didn’t even know his name but he could be a good friend, she thought. His black hair and it was cute from his side to help Clarke with his class. Hopefully he didn’t forget about me, she thought next.

The ring took her back to the real life. Clarke packed her books again back in her bag, she didn’t even opened her book, and went outside.

Chaos. Kids walking to every direction, talking to their friends. Clarke stood in her tiptoes to find that guy with the black hair, but nothing. He must forgot about me, she thought again and starts walking toward the exit door. Suddenly a hand in her shoulder stopped her and she turned to see whose this hand was.

“The carefetia is the other way” it was him! The boy with the black hair!

“I thought-” Clarke turned to him.

“Bellamy.” he cut her before saying anything else.


“My name is Bellamy” he said again. Finally the boy with the black hair had a name. “Follow me, the cafeteria is this way” he said and took Clark’s hands to guide her to the cafeteria.

The hallways were crowded with kids of many ages. She almost lost Bellamy inside the crowd, but thankfully he was still holding her hand. They walked some hallways, they turned to some others and finally reached the cafeteria.

“Here we are,” Bellamy said and pulled Clarke next to him. “This is our cafeteria” he said and let go Clark’s hand.

To Be Continued

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