02 February, 2015

"Arrow" - Part 4

I couldn’t sleep. I had a terrible headache. I was lying in to ground, watching the ceiling of the cave. Thankfully Bellamy left me his jacket and I am not very cold right now. I was thinking what I will tell him if he don’t believe my story, how I am going to tell him the truth. I hear Bellamy coming back.

“Hey there” he said and turned to see him. “I didn’t sleep?” he asked and came near me. “No, but its ok” I said and turned the other side. “What did you caught?” I asked him and tried to stand up. “Here, let me help you” he said and helped me stand up near the fire. “One rabbit only. Sorry…” he said and lowered his head. “It’s enough for both of us” I said and looked him in his eyes.

“Give me some time to cook it and then we can eat” he said and went near the fire. “You told me the truth Clarke?” he asked me while he was cooking. “About what?” I asked trying to avoid answering. “About what happened to you…” he said and stared at me. “Please tell me truth” he continued. “I did this to you?” he asked. I didn’t want to tell him.

“No, it wasn’t you” I said and lowered my head. “Then, who? Because I don’t believe that you felt in this rock. There is no blood in the ground. Only this rock has blood” he said and raised the rock that he hit me with. “It wasn’t you Bellamy” I said again. “Clarke, just say it” he asked me. “No, it wasn’t you! It was that silly grounder poison that made you do it!” I shoot and tears came out of my eyes. “It wasn’t you…” I said and wiped my tears off.

He closed his eyes and shacked his head like telling to him I can’t believe that you done Bellamy. I stand up and go sit near him. I take his hands in mine and turn his face to see me. “It wasn’t your fault Bellamy. You saved me from that arrow, the same arrow that made you do think that you couldn’t even imagine doing. I know that the Bellamy I know now isn’t like this” I said and stared in his eyes. “I am sorry” he said and a tear came out. “I didn’t mean to-” he said and I cut him “I know… I know”. He kissed me in my forehead and them hugs me in his arms.

“I think you should not burn the only food we have” I said to change the subject and leave everything back. “God idea” he said and took the rabbit off the fire. “Ladies first” he said and smiled, giving me the cooked rabbit. We ate the rabbit, it was delicious.

“Go to sleep. Soon will be morning. You should rest before we walk back to the camp” he said and took off his jacket again. “I am fine. I don’t need sleep” I said and looked at him. “Try to sleep Clarke. It was a rough night for you” he said and game me his jacket. “It was a rough night for you too Bellamy. You can go to sleep if you want, I can’t” I said and pushed his hand with the jacket back to him.

“Ok then, since I can’t sleep ether I want to ask you something” he said and put his jacket on again. “Why to didn’t told me the truth from the first time?” he asked and stared in my eyes. “The same reason you took the arrow for me” I said and he freezes.

“Come here” he said and took my hand. He pulled me by his side and putted his hand behind my back. “I know that you are cold… you could have take my jacket before, I am fine” he continued. The truth is that I was cold, but I didn’t want him to freeze for me. “I am fine too, when I am standing here” I said and rethinking immediately. “I mean, here near the fire” I corrected myself. “I know ” he said and squeezed me more in his arms. “Better?” he asked. “Better” I said.

To Be Continues                      

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